Many casino regulars have been playing for a few years and do not understand how gambling addiction starts. Some of them do not believe in Ludomania at all. They rely on their experience and assure others that problem gambling is fake. Addictive gamblers do not want to be responsible for their actions and try to justify their weaknesses.

Who to Blame for Your Gambling Addiction

Psychologists who treat compulsive gamblers are sometimes prone to exaggeration. They inflate a minor problem to a universal scale to earn more money.

Similar arguments can be heard in the debate between supporters and opponents of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and other harmful habits. Some say that they cause dangerous addiction. Others claim that it costs nothing to give up alcohol or cigarettes.

Experts explain this by the personal characteristics of the human organism. The tendency may differ if we talk about gambling, and you may not understand that you are exposed to it.

The purpose of this short article is to give a few tips on how to avoid gambling addiction.

Let's start with the fact that many customers of offline or online casinos recognize the problem of compulsive gambling problem only when there are real problems in everyday life. In other words, until they lose a little more than planned or linger at the table a little longer than others would, they consider it normal.

  • But gradually, the flywheel spins stronger.
  • Losses become more significant.
  • The family suffers from a lack of attention from the father, who spends days in a casino.
  • Business starts to decline.
  • And then health begins to fail.

What is more surprising is that some players do not want to recognize that they are in trouble, even when they are left without a wife, job, home, or friends. They only care about the lack of money for betting but blindly believe in luck, not realizing that even a big win will not change the situation.

That is why it is essential to recognize the signs of gambling addiction before the effects of the irreversible fatal passion. And it would help if you started learning the basics of money management (money for the game).

How to Avoid Compulsive Gambling

Here are several helpful tips:

  • Plan a monthly budget for the casino. If you do not allow yourself to go beyond this amount, playing will usually be entertainment, like visiting billiards or discos. But once you spend at least a little more time, it should be a wake-up call.
  • The same applies to the time spent playing. Plan when you go to the casino and how long you will be there. This is another reason to think if you linger there for at least half an hour.
  • Ideally, after each such violation, you should pause and give some time to the gambling entertainment. It is not difficult at this stage, but you can no longer stop playing so easily after two or three such failures.

This is the easiest way to understand if you have a gambling addiction. If you keep yourself in your hands and do not give the game to make you forget about everything, you can assume that you are ok. But going beyond the framework that you have defined clearly indicates that you need to limit yourself.

Good luck to you. We hope that these tips will help you avoid such problems.

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